8天学通MongoDB——第八天 驱动实践
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一: 实践


1 #region 数据实体  2     ///   3 /// 数据实体  4 ///   5     public class Person  6     {
7 [MongoAlias("_id")] 8 public string ID { get; set; } 9 10 public string Name { get; set; } 11 12 public int Age { get; set; } 13 14 public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; } 15 } 16 #endregion


1         string connectionString = string.Empty;  2  3         string databaseName = string.Empty;  4  5         string collectionName = string.Empty;  6  7         static MongodbHelper
mongodb; 8 9 #region 初始化操作 10 ///
11 /// 初始化操作 12 /// 13 public MongodbHelper() 14 {
15 connectionString = "Server="; 16 databaseName = "shopex"; 17 collectionName = "person"; 18 } 19 #endregion



1 #region 实现linq查询的映射配置  2         ///   3 /// 实现linq查询的映射配置  4 ///   5         public MongoConfiguration configuration  6         {
7 get 8 {
9 var config = new MongoConfigurationBuilder(); 10 11 config.Mapping(mapping => 12 {
13 mapping.DefaultProfile(profile => 14 {
15 profile.SubClassesAre(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(T))); 16 }); 17 mapping.Map
(); 18 mapping.Map
(); 19 }); 20 21 config.ConnectionString(connectionString); 22 23 return config.BuildConfiguration(); 24 } 25 } 26 #endregion



1     #region 插入操作   2         ///    3 /// 插入操作   4 ///    5 ///    6 /// 
7 public void Insert(T t) 8 {
9 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 10 {
11 try 12 {
13 mongo.Connect(); 14 15 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 16 17 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 18 19 collection.Insert(t, true); 20 21 mongo.Disconnect(); 22 23 } 24 catch (Exception) 25 {
26 mongo.Disconnect(); 27 throw; 28 } 29 } 30 } 31 #endregion 32 33 #region 更新操作 34 ///
35 /// 更新操作 36 /// 37 ///
38 ///
39 public void Update(T t, Expression
> func) 40 {
41 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 42 {
43 try 44 {
45 mongo.Connect(); 46 47 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 48 49 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 50 51 collection.Update
(t, func, true); 52 53 mongo.Disconnect(); 54 55 } 56 catch (Exception) 57 {
58 mongo.Disconnect(); 59 throw; 60 } 61 } 62 } 63 #endregion 64 65 #region 获取集合 66 ///
67 ///获取集合 68 /// 69 ///
70 ///
71 public List
List(int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression
> func, out int pageCount) 72 { 73 pageCount = 0; 74 75 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 76 { 77 try 78 { 79 mongo.Connect(); 80 81 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 82 83 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 84 85 pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(collection.Count()); 86 87 var personList = collection.Linq().Where(func).Skip(pageSize * (pageIndex - 1)) 88 .Take(pageSize).Select(i => i).ToList(); 89 90 mongo.Disconnect(); 91 92 return personList; 93 94 } 95 catch (Exception) 96 { 97 mongo.Disconnect(); 98 throw; 99 } 100 } 101 } 102 #endregion 103 104 #region 读取单条记录 105 ///
106 ///读取单条记录 107 /// 108 ///
109 ///
110 public T Single(Expression
> func) 111 { 112 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 113 { 114 try 115 { 116 mongo.Connect(); 117 118 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 119 120 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 121 122 var single = collection.Linq().FirstOrDefault(func); 123 124 mongo.Disconnect(); 125 126 return single; 127 128 } 129 catch (Exception) 130 { 131 mongo.Disconnect(); 132 throw; 133 } 134 } 135 } 136 #endregion 137 138 #region 删除操作 139 ///
140 /// 删除操作 141 /// 142 ///
143 ///
144 public void Delete(Expression
> func) 145 { 146 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 147 { 148 try 149 { 150 mongo.Connect(); 151 152 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 153 154 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 155 156 //这个地方要注意,一定要加上T参数,否则会当作object类型处理 157 //导致删除失败 158 collection.Remove
(func); 159 160 mongo.Disconnect(); 161 162 } 163 catch (Exception) 164 { 165 mongo.Disconnect(); 166 throw; 167 } 168 } 169 } 170 #endregion

5.   好,我们开一下2222端口,由于前前篇我已经把这个mongodb做成了服务,现在就直接连过去了,并做一下对Name的索引。


6. 一切准备妥当,我们做下基本的操作,比如这里我添加一千条数据,注意我开启的是安全模式,如果插入不成功,将会抛出异常。

 <1> Add:

1    static void Main(string[] args)  2         {
3 MongodbHelper
helper = new MongodbHelper
(); 4 5 //插入1000条数据 6 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) 7 {
8 helper.Insert(new Person() 9 {
10 ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), 11 Name = "jack" + i, 12 Age = i, 13 CreateTime = DateTime.Now 14 }); 15 } 16 17 Console.WriteLine("插入成功"); 18 19 Console.Read(); 20 }


<2> update:   这里就把jack941的名字改掉“mary”

1  static void Main(string[] args)  2         {
3 MongodbHelper
helper = new MongodbHelper
(); 4 5 //修改jack941改成mary 6 var single = helper.Single(i => i.Name == "jack941"); 7 single.Name = "mary"; 8 helper.Update(single, i => i.ID == single.ID); 9 10 Console.WriteLine("修改成功"); 11 Console.Read(); 12 }


<3>Delete:  删除mary这条记录

1      static void Main(string[] args)  2         {
3 MongodbHelper
helper = new MongodbHelper
(); 4 5 //删除mary这个记录 6 helper.Delete(i => i.Name == "mary"); 7 8 Console.WriteLine("删除成功"); 9 Console.Read(); 10 }

<4> list操作: 这里我获取一下名字里面带9的人数列表

1    static void Main(string[] args)  2         {
3 MongodbHelper
helper = new MongodbHelper
(); 4 5 int pagecount; 6 7 //获取名字里面带9的人数 8 var list = helper.List(1, 20, i => i.Name.Contains("9"), out pagecount); 9 10 Console.Read(); 11 }



View Code
1 using System;   2 using System.Collections.Generic;   3 using System.Linq;   4 using System.Text;   5 using System.Configuration;   6 using System.Linq.Expressions;   7   8 using MongoDB.Configuration;   9 using MongoDB.Linq;  10 using MongoDB.Attributes;  11  12  13 namespace MongoDB.Test  14 {
15 public class MongodbHelper
where T : class 16 {
17 string connectionString = string.Empty; 18 19 string databaseName = string.Empty; 20 21 string collectionName = string.Empty; 22 23 static MongodbHelper
mongodb; 24 25 #region 初始化操作 26 ///
27 /// 初始化操作 28 /// 29 public MongodbHelper() 30 {
31 connectionString = "Server="; 32 databaseName = "shopex"; 33 collectionName = "person"; 34 } 35 #endregion 36 37 #region 实现linq查询的映射配置 38 ///
39 /// 实现linq查询的映射配置 40 /// 41 public MongoConfiguration configuration 42 {
43 get 44 {
45 var config = new MongoConfigurationBuilder(); 46 47 config.Mapping(mapping => 48 {
49 mapping.DefaultProfile(profile => 50 {
51 profile.SubClassesAre(t => t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(T))); 52 }); 53 mapping.Map
(); 54 mapping.Map
(); 55 }); 56 57 config.ConnectionString(connectionString); 58 59 return config.BuildConfiguration(); 60 } 61 } 62 #endregion 63 64 #region 插入操作 65 ///
66 /// 插入操作 67 /// 68 ///
69 ///
70 public void Insert(T t) 71 {
72 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 73 {
74 try 75 {
76 mongo.Connect(); 77 78 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 79 80 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 81 82 collection.Insert(t, true); 83 84 mongo.Disconnect(); 85 86 } 87 catch (Exception) 88 {
89 mongo.Disconnect(); 90 throw; 91 } 92 } 93 } 94 #endregion 95 96 #region 更新操作 97 ///
98 /// 更新操作 99 /// 100 ///
101 ///
102 public void Update(T t, Expression
> func) 103 { 104 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 105 { 106 try 107 { 108 mongo.Connect(); 109 110 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 111 112 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 113 114 collection.Update
(t, func, true); 115 116 mongo.Disconnect(); 117 118 } 119 catch (Exception) 120 { 121 mongo.Disconnect(); 122 throw; 123 } 124 } 125 } 126 #endregion 127 128 #region 获取集合 129 ///
130 ///获取集合 131 /// 132 ///
133 ///
134 public List
List(int pageIndex, int pageSize, Expression
> func, out int pageCount) 135 { 136 pageCount = 0; 137 138 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 139 { 140 try 141 { 142 mongo.Connect(); 143 144 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 145 146 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 147 148 pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(collection.Count()); 149 150 var personList = collection.Linq().Where(func).Skip(pageSize * (pageIndex - 1)) 151 .Take(pageSize).Select(i => i).ToList(); 152 153 mongo.Disconnect(); 154 155 return personList; 156 157 } 158 catch (Exception) 159 { 160 mongo.Disconnect(); 161 throw; 162 } 163 } 164 } 165 #endregion 166 167 #region 读取单条记录 168 ///
169 ///读取单条记录 170 /// 171 ///
172 ///
173 public T Single(Expression
> func) 174 { 175 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 176 { 177 try 178 { 179 mongo.Connect(); 180 181 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 182 183 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 184 185 var single = collection.Linq().FirstOrDefault(func); 186 187 mongo.Disconnect(); 188 189 return single; 190 191 } 192 catch (Exception) 193 { 194 mongo.Disconnect(); 195 throw; 196 } 197 } 198 } 199 #endregion 200 201 #region 删除操作 202 ///
203 /// 删除操作 204 /// 205 ///
206 ///
207 public void Delete(Expression
> func) 208 { 209 using (Mongo mongo = new Mongo(configuration)) 210 { 211 try 212 { 213 mongo.Connect(); 214 215 var db = mongo.GetDatabase(databaseName); 216 217 var collection = db.GetCollection
(collectionName); 218 219 //这个地方要注意,一定要加上T参数,否则会当作object类型处理 220 //导致删除失败 221 collection.Remove
(func); 222 223 mongo.Disconnect(); 224 225 } 226 catch (Exception) 227 { 228 mongo.Disconnect(); 229 throw; 230 } 231 } 232 } 233 #endregion 234 } 235 236 #region 数据实体 237 ///
238 /// 数据实体 239 /// 240 public class Person 241 { 242 [MongoAlias("_id")] 243 public string ID { get; set; } 244 245 public string Name { get; set; } 246 247 public int Age { get; set; } 248 249 public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; } 250 } 251 #endregion 252 }





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